catholic production

The Mass Explained: 'Active Participation'

Jesus and Divine Christology

Faith Without Works is Dead

Purgatory in the Bible

The Spiritual Life and the Advent Season (The Mass Readings Explained Intro)

The Kingdom of Heaven

Is the Mass a Sacrifice?

The Four Creatures of the Apocalypse

Solemnity of the Nativity of the Lord – Midnight Mass

Jesus' Priestly Ordination

The Intercession of the Saints

The Salvific Power of Baptism

The Father is Greater than I

What Did Jesus Write in the Sand?

The Eucharist and the Church

The Blood & Water from the Side of Christ

The Woman at Well

God Is Love

My Yoke is Easy

The Beatitudes: Paradoxical Promises of the New Covenant

Assurance of Salvation

Why Have You Forsaken Me

The Feeding of the 5,000 and the Mystery of the 12 Baskets

Humility: A 12 Step Program